Summary in english

Hello, and welcome to BRF guldlänken. We are the economic association (bostadsförening) that manages the property and the community of  Ängemarken 1-11, Lövskogsgatan 3-11, Fricksgatan 2-4 and Vildapelsgatan 3. If you own an apartment here, you are automatically a member of  BRF guldlänken, and the support organisation HSB Göteborg. The members collectively take part in maintaining our buildings and the communal areas that we share. Once every year, usually in May, a board is elected that will be chiefly responsible for the economic association (bostadsförening) . Feel free to take part in the community of BRF Guldlänken!

Most of our information is only in Swedish, which means that google translate is your friend. We at the board are happy to answer any questions about living as home owner or tenant at Please contact us if you plan to perform renaovations on your kitchen, bathroom, electricity and other large changes to your appartment since they must be pre-approved by the board before the renovation starts. 

Important and essential messages are mediated to the members through the noticeboard in the stairwell entrance. Please make sure that these messages are understood. If anything is unclear, don't hesitate to contact the board at